Archive for July 13, 2013

Significant Places, Utpal

July 13, 2013

Just a few weeks ago was the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg.  Over 3 days of fighting 50,000 soldiers lost their lives in this great struggle that was the turning point of the American Civil war.  Latter that fall the American President, Abraham Lincoln gave a short but immortal speech at the inauguration of the cemetery that was created there as the final resting place for all those who sacrificed their lives on its hallowed ground. With both the significance of the battle, as well as those most powerful inspirational 10 lines that Lincoln spoke there, people from across the country have been making pilgrimages there for generations.  It is a place in which history has indelibly etched its mark.  Such locations have  always been beacons to pilgrims, scholars, tourists, and the curious. gettysburg-2209-e1358199581829Read all