Day 24

It is the 24th day of the race, 7:24am. I would like to say a few words about yesterday. It was the 4th of July – the Independence Day in America. I myself had to struggle a real battle for independence. I ate something that did not please my stomach and in the morning of the 4th of July first I was struggling with my leg so that it could run normally. Later in the day I picked up my regular pace and found out that my feet weighed several tons. No energy whatsoever and after 10 laps I had to make a break. I looked at my tongue, it was as white as snow. It was clear to me that there was a block in digestion and this mush have drained energy. So, throughout the day I tried to normalize my digestive system with changeable success but I did not succeed in it and that day I broke my record in minimal daily mileage – 43 miles only. And in the evening I still had a feeling that my stomach did not work at full capacity and even ached a bit. So, I started to think of a way out of this situation. It occurred to me to get a cleansing with a lemon diet. Of course, not a full 10-day cycle :), but the last hour and a half on the course when I was walking I prepared a Neera drink with a Madal Bal syrup and drank it. And it worked ok. Now I am feeling quite stable and in spite of the shortage in miles I do not feel like a loser because now I am running and this means I am going towards my goal.
In the morning Sarvagata and Igor did half of the distance. They are already nicknamed the «new generation of 3,100-mile runners». What they are doing is just a miracle! In the evening Pranjal also passed the half of the distance mark.
Hot weather is expected today. Yesterday it was 33C, today it is going to be the same. At least now there are no clouds in the sky and the sun is getting to the zenith
This morning I heard the first songs of cicadas. This means the midsummer is approaching and they will be singing more. Everything will be chirring in the daytime when it is hot, and in the evening they will be changed by crickets which have more melodic songs when the sun is down.

I have lost 5kg since the beginning of the race. it is easier to run this way :)

Hello to everybody!

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