Day 10, Pranjal

link to Pranjal video diary

Hi everyone, this this the end of day 10. On the background you could see video that I took yesterday. Enjoy!

In 10 days we’ve passed first 1000k – 4000k to go. Almost there – you can say. We had another quite tough day because of the weather.  Again it was 34C with very high humidity. Two days in a raw with high temperature and humidity – really hard. You are losing a lot of water. At the evening I just realized that I was heavily dehydrated. I tried to drink as much as possible but that was not enough – in two such hot days you just can’t get it in your body in a normal way. Every lap I was drinking about 0.5 litter and was doing that for 3 hours. And then I started feeling that water balance is better. That didn’t affect my running much, but I realized that it will help because I felt tired.

I had a pretty good morning and afternoon. In the evening as I said I felt tired, fortunately when I drank a lot I was good again. At the end I made 118 laps, which is really good for me and I was really happy.

Atmavir had a very good day – he did the best mileage from all the people.

Vasu had a slower day.

Ashprihanal had a hard day – at the evening he told me that feeling sick.

Yuri – same machine. Going same pace from morning till the evening.

Sarvagata was again fast in the morning, but this evening he remained slower and mostly walked. He has pre shin splint phase.

Surasa – still the same. A little less laps than usual, but looking very strong.

Sopan was mostly walking in the evening.

Nidrhuvi – looking good but also a little bit slower than other days. Heat is not the best weather for her.

Ananda-Lahari today was looking better. Only at the evening he was walking more.

Sara – everything as usual. She is very strong when she is out of breaks.

Baladev in comparison to last year he is looking much stronger. In the morning he always have problems – until 10 am he is dying or sleepy, but then he started to feel better.

May be tomorrow it will be more cooler but rainy. Even today 2 laps before midnight it started raining. We hope we’ll have a nice day.

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