July 15: Measureless Miles by Utpal
“The rain is outside. Happiness is inside. They do not mix. I love rain very much. I call rain my friend, and when it comes I am very happy.”
“I understand that other runners do not like rain very much. But rain doesn’t ask us when it comes. Therefore I am very happy when it comes. I cheer it.”
“I take rain as a part of the Supreme. Rain, sun, and wind are all manifestations of the Supreme, and I try and take it with gratitude. Our minds can think about it in a bad way. But my heart feels that I am one with the rain. Rain is also a symbol of purity. So when it comes I feel more pure. Outwardly it is difficult. Inwardly I have a good feeling.” Yuri Trostenyuk
The rest of the entry read here: http://perfectionjourney.org/2014/07/15/july-15-measureless-miles/#more-39472