Day 21
Day 21, 7.20 pm, July, the 4th
Today is the US Independence Day and Parvati’s group sang special songs dedicated to the USA written y Sri Chinmoy. I like these sngs very much and I even joined the group and sang “America the Beautiful”.
Ashprihanal long ago had an idea to congratulate Suprabha as the only American at the race on her national holiday. He decided to sing some songs for her. We learned two songs. One is with her name and the other is a well-known “This Land is Your Land” Ashprihanal wanted to make it like a costume performance – he wanted to put on a high bowler hat, to make himself look like president Lincoln, and to give others wigs and to sing songs to Suprabha while running.
There was not much we could do about stage props. You can see it on pictures. Truly, we were looking not like presidents, but more like pirates. Suprabha liked it, we all laughed. It was fun. Then surprises began. Smarana came, the Austrian national record-holder at 3,100-mile Self-transcendence race. He came for several weeks to help at the race and cheer us up. Smarana gave all of us a very delicious drink. Then I saw Jayasalini, who had dreamt a lot to visit the 3100-mile Self-transcendence race. She came here also to encourage us. She has the best result on the 10-day race among Russian women.
Shilpa Taru, who is very close to finishing Sri Chinmoy’s sculpture, sent some pictures from his studio. I felt something dragging at my heart-strings – the sculpture is almost lifelike, and I like it very much. And the most unexpected thing was to see Kaushal , the president of Ojas Academy in Europe. He is a super doctor and a specialist in subtle energy. He escaped from his busy schedule for 6 days to help runners.
At night, there will be big fireworks. Alakananda and her friends went to the Long Island by boat to watch the great fireworks dedicated to the Independence Day. I hope to see some good pictures. And, yes, we are still running. I have a god day today, I am running even a little faster than usually. Last days I have had 64 miles a day, and I am happy. The flight is excellent.
Today we had a very interesting telephone call from Vinnitsa, Ukraine. Rageshri and Kushali called from the 48-hour race they are taking part in. They have been already running the second day. It appears that they are running there and I am running here and we were talking while running – it was so inspiring. At the first 24 hours they had shown their best result – 60 miles. And they are happily running further!
July 5, 2009 at 06:11 PM
Живот ушёл, мышцы рук ушли…ум ушёл…остались одни ноги:)
July 5, 2009 at 11:24 PM
С праздником Независимости! Хорошо смотришься в группе поющих. Рад за твои замечательные результаты. Кстати, мы тут к 13-часовому пробегу готовимся, 11 июля будет старт, и не можем Джаяшалини отыскать. Она обещала быть на связи. Не мог бы ты ей сказать, чтобы связалась с Вадимом, если увидишь её?
July 6, 2009 at 02:50 PM
Cтутишил, передай Шупрабе привет из Украины.
Феноменальная женщина :)
Stutisheel Reply:
July 6, 2009
Передал :)