Author Archive

Day 28, Stutisheel

July 12, 2014

Photos Day 28

July 12, 2014

Photos from day 28 are available here.  


Photos Day 27

July 12, 2014

Photos from day 27 are available here.

Photos Day 26

July 12, 2014

Photos from day 26 are available here.

July 10: Self-Transcendence is Eternal by Utpal

July 12, 2014
“In this race the weather is everything.  This morning was one of the best days we have had, with low humidity and absolutely everyone is flying around the course.  This is the 26th day of the race and we have had only 2 hot days and I wouldn’t even say they were hot.  I wouldn’t classify them as really hot since we haven’t reached 100.  Which we consider really hot weather.”

“We still have a long way to go but now is the time to really get some miles in.  Right now you can store some miles up and when the real hot weather comes you can back off.  And everyone seems to be doing that.” This was a little comment that Rupantar, the race director made this morning on the fly.


Day 27, Stutisheel

July 11, 2014

Day 27 at 3100 mile race 2014 from Stutisheel Lebedev on Vimeo.

July 9: Every Experience by Utpal

July 11, 2014

In all the years the 3100 has been taking place here in New York it has never ceased to amaze, astound, and thrill, both athletes and the general public alike.  Words like impossible and unbelievable are regularly and futilely used to describe, in one hopeless fashion or another, just what it is that happens here every day for 52 continuous days. No matter what adjectives you pull out of the dictionary to describe what it is and what truly happens, they simply don’t work.  Or perhaps better expressed, they only tell a small portion of what the experience of the Self Transcendence 3100 is.


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