Author Archive

Significant Places, Utpal

July 13, 2013

Just a few weeks ago was the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg.  Over 3 days of fighting 50,000 soldiers lost their lives in this great struggle that was the turning point of the American Civil war.  Latter that fall the American President, Abraham Lincoln gave a short but immortal speech at the inauguration of the cemetery that was created there as the final resting place for all those who sacrificed their lives on its hallowed ground. With both the significance of the battle, as well as those most powerful inspirational 10 lines that Lincoln spoke there, people from across the country have been making pilgrimages there for generations.  It is a place in which history has indelibly etched its mark.  Such locations have  always been beacons to pilgrims, scholars, tourists, and the curious. gettysburg-2209-e1358199581829Read all

Nothing Frightens Me, Utpal

July 12, 2013

“I can’t stay away.  These people are like divinities brought down on earth for these few weeks.  Each time I come I get stronger and stronger.  I can’t tell you the name for it, but I can tell you that it makes me very very happy.” Snehashila has come by the race this morning as she does on most days throughout the summer.  In fact on mornings nearly all year long she leaves her house, which is about 7 or 8 blocks away and circles around and about the neighborhood in order to get some exercise. snehashila2Read all

Saints of the Road, Utpal

July 6, 2013

They are all saints of the road.  Can you not believe it?  I will tell you a secret, even sometimes they do not believe it to be true. How is it possible to have 12 saints in one place, doing this one same thing, when the rest of the world sometimes seems empty of saints? wide-ashprihanal Read all

Closer to God, Utpal

July 5, 2013

“We have to come out of our comfort zone.  When we do that we call it austerity.  What it does is moves us closer to God.  The goal of life is God realization and we have to constantly think like that.  We have to have God realization in this lifetime.”  Swami Paramesha Ananda used to be a familiar site in the early morning hours here on the course.   swami9 Read all  

Who Are You, Utpal

July 4, 2013

It is probably one of life’s most fundamental questions, but most certainly it is not one that I would dare ask of this very tired group of runners.  Yet Baladev got inspired to ask each one running here, ‘Who are you?” baladev-silouhette Read all

I can never stop, Utpal

July 3, 2013

“It was the toughest day of the race for me.”  Not just for Sopan but for quite a few other runners Tuesday’s humidity, created a challenge for them that some simply could not adapt or adjust to easily.  In our minds we can easily make the assumption that it has to be hard to go so far with so little sleep.  But until you have been absorbed in the steamy embrace of a New York summer’s day, you simply do not know how daunting the weather can be as well to your performance.  How this additional burden can adversely affect not just muscles but also how it can strain minds. wilouhette Read all

Follow the Eternal Runner, Utpal

July 3, 2013

kanala3 Read all  

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