Author Archive

To Make Progress

Augu 3, 2011

Author: Utpal

31 July

Perhaps if one had the ability to truly listen then you could always somehow hear the sands of time as they slipped away forever. But how does one soberly comprehend this, when you are caught up in those precious moments of glorious celebration, such as when the race began here 50 days ago. Each day that followed a turbulent mix of hope and pain and yes, progress. Read more

The Way To The Goal

Augu 3, 2011

Author: Utpal

30 July

At the end of its life the Phoenix bird would go to its nest, and once there, be consumed by flames. It is a mythological bird and its story seems to exist in many cultures with some variations.

What is similar throughout all the variations of the tale is how, once it is reduced to ashes, it rises up again to take flight. It somehow lives again as it did before. Read more

What You Are Meant To Do

Augu 2, 2011

Author:  Utpal

28 July

One more runner will complete the 3100 today.  Unlike the previous 2 finishers who were first timers, Ashprihanal has crossed the line before.  Today in fact he will complete his 11th self transcendence race.  Not one for overstatement or bravado of any sort he says this morning simply, “I am very happy, very glad.  One more race for Guru.  So That’s good.”  Read more

Another Dream Complete

July 31, 2011

Author: Utpal

29 July

In most team sports whenever a player is injured or not doing well they can be benched or substituted with someone faster or stronger or simply better suited to face the game conditions. But in individual competition taking a break for long is never an option or a solution.

For individual runners who are competing here ultimately they have only themselves. They are alone on this 3100 mile road and whenever and whatever the experience may be comes, it has to be felt, experienced, and endured by them alone. Read more

Pranjal’s Finish – video

July 31, 2011

That’s Possible

July 29, 2011

Author: Utpal

25 July

Early this morning Pradeep showed me something wonderful. We had run a few laps together and I was just about to go when he invited me over to his table and he pulled this amazing picture out of his bag. He was really happy and proud to show it to me and I could see why. For it showed the front of the Health Food store in Den Haag in which he is the manager. In his absence his employees, instead of goofing off, have dedicated the entire front window of the shop to him and his exploits here at the 3100 mile race. Read more

Sarvagata’s Finish

July 28, 2011

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