Day 36
July 19, 2009Archived – click Post Title to view all. 36th day. It is a quarter past 5pm. The weather is wonderful, the flight is wonderful. I’m confident enough, but I have some problems with waking up in the morning. Somehow it hasn’t been like that before. And it takes me some time to open my eyes and get up after a break. The alarm-clock rings in some other galaxy. Or I find myself in a different galaxy when it is time to return back. Maybe it’ll pass. Although 36 days is not a piece of cake. Yesterday, I did not do as many miles as usual, 61. In the morning I was slower, because I had eaten something wrong in the evening the day before. So I decided to take it easy today. But 61 miles is not bad at all. Volodya Balatskyi set a new record today. He is a very talented runner, besides he has talents in other fields. He overslept and was late for the start. So he started at 6:54. It is 14 min earlier than Ananda Lahari’s record two years ago. Volodya is running fine now. I guess it won’t affect his mileage dramatically. Just a little bit, but what can he do? In the morning, while Parvati’s group was singing their songs, Grahak and myself performed an impromptu skit. I pretended to be a dog which is very natural for me. I was wearing socks on my ears (like dog’s ears) and a tail made of toilet paper tied in bow on my back. Grahak said, “Stutisheel…