It’s the 10th day, local time is 5:38 p.m. Today is cooler than it was yesterday, 25 degrees Celsius. It’s a very nice weather for running. Almost all runners are flying. It’s great. Surasa ‘s running distances are getting longer and longer. I have seen Darbashana only twice because he is running. Today he has made his debut with coming late to the start. He was late by one hour. Well, everything happens for the first time. Volodya will complete his ten days surpassing his own 10 – day race record which he set some years ago. Then he had 660 miles, this year he will surpass this. In general, I have to say that the 3100 standard is growing year by year. It’s just amazing. I had a little sleepy morning after yesterday’s 67 miles. When Ashprihanal caught up with me, he asked: “How are you?” I said that I was sleeping. “Oh, it’s wonderful, I have always dreamt to rest on foot!”