День 51
Augu 1, 2011 Day 51, 9:17pm Atmavir has finished today (50days + 08:59:07). He was the fifth finisher at this race and this is his 5th finish in a row. After the finish he said that he would be running the next year too. Now we have one candidate. The day has been hot and sultry. When Rupantar brought us to the race in his car, he said, “Happy August first!” It a classical summer day in the USA. It did slow me down, but the finish is already looming large. I am the next to finish.Surasa has almost picked up her previous pace. In all estimates, she would need to do 103 laps to finish by Thursday night. Yesterday she did 100 laps. She says that today she’s been running much better. So, the dream fulfillment is within reach, Out of remaining 4 runners only Ananda-Lahari is not going to cover the whole distance, but he is determined to be walking until the very end. Looks like the crew won’t have a vacation until Thursday midnight.