Archive for June 20, 2014

Photos Day 6

June 20, 2014

Photos from day 6 are available here.  

Day 6, Stutisheel

June 20, 2014

Day 6, 3100 mile race 2014 from Stutisheel Lebedev on Vimeo.

June 18: Real Life

June 20, 2014

Stutisheel has been quoted as saying about the race, “this is real life.” He did not come to the race last year after 9 straight summers out on the course.  Over the years we have had many informative and interesting discussions, not always talking about the meaning of existence.  Quite often the silly and mundane wanders into our exchanges which reminds us both just how human we really are.   I missed not having him here last year and asked him to explain to me this morning what he meant by this powerful statement. “There is nothing artificial about it.  Everything that is unnatural just fades away.” After Finishing 2008 The rest of the post here