Archive for Augu 5, 2014

Jayasalini finishes! Photos

Augu 5, 2014


Jayasalini finishes!

Augu 5, 2014

51 days +12:30:32  

Day 52, Stutisheel

Augu 5, 2014

Day 52 at 3100 mile race 2014 from Stutisheel Lebedev on Vimeo. Jayasslini’s finish

William finishes! August 4, 2014

Augu 5, 2014

50 days + 15:06:04

August 3: When The Time is Right by Utpal

Augu 5, 2014

“Maybe I have hidden from some of my spirituality.  I think this race has allowed me the time to really focus on that and what it means.  Maybe recognize that I am not the greatest force in the universe.”


The rest of the entry read here