Each of the 12 runners here has their own unique vision of what the race means to them and their own distinct voice in expressing what it is they see and feel and experience here. Building this vision and this story with each new lap and each new day they run around the course.
Every word or thought that they might share has incredible value and potency. Already each runner has run close to, or already exceeded 700 miles.
This is the 7th time Baladev has run the 3100 mile race. This morning he has been singing some of Sri Chinmoy’s songs. He carries an mp3 player often, “I am listening a lot. When you sing you need to use more energy. You need to be in the mood to sing. But I am listening often during the whole day.”
“Sometimes I am listening to a song and I feel as though it is inside me. You are the song. When you feel that you are the song, it is amazing.”
Read more http://perfectionjourney.org/2015/06/26/june-26-everybody-has-a-journey/#more-44407