July 5th, Jowan: Photos day 22
July 5, 2015 more photos here.
more photos here.
Here are few statistics for the day: Distance 102.85 km Time 17:58:43 Average Pace 10.29 min/km Moving Pace 9.29 min/km Average Heart Rate 91 (!) Elevation gain 152 m Two rests by ~20 min Full data
His ability to remain cheerful is probably his strongest asset in the 3100 mile race. But as he explains through his experiences, it was not always so. In 2005, his first race, he speaks about reaching 2700 miles. “I was just going through the counting station. People were clapping and going….oh, .. 2700 miles. Great!” “It happened that Suprabha was also there. She said, congratulations for reaching 2700.” “I replied, it does not give me joy.” Suprabha than simply changed the topic. Not willing, it would seem to have a discussion of her beloved 3100 mile race that wasn’t positive. “Than she ran away.” “For me it was a very good experience. I realized that there always things to be grateful for.” Continue