Day 38

38th day. 8.20 pm. Today is Volodya’s birthday. He has turned 38. What a coincidence – it is 38th day of the race. In the morning, it began to rain heavily in his honor and it lasted for 4 or 5 hours. The rain
slowed us down, as we had to change shoes all the time and take care of the feet. Some runners got problems in the form of blisters and some other troubles. That is why the day is generally slower, although I am running at a good speed. Yesterday, I did 69 miles. It is for the first
time since the beginning of the race. I was in a very good flow. Today my speed is not any lower, unless weather conditions slow me down. We’ll see.
Somehow Volodya got blues. He’s had fever for three day already. But today everything got together. When walking together, we discussed  that if the soul gave such surprises on its birthday, it meant that
something special was unfloding. Of course, all this is for the strong.
 Volodya was going to doctor Kumar with Ananda- Lahiri, but at the last moment he changed his mind. He stayed to fight on at the battlefield.
According to my experience of previous races, especially to my first one, the toughest and most unexpected surprises take place after the 2000 mile. Like a marathon starts after the 37th mile, even so the 3100race starts after mile 2000. Volodya is keeping his chin up though.
He should only take care of his appearance and look better on his birthday. What is the main secret here? miles don’t matter – what  matters is to look nice! :-) We made a deal with Volodya that I would interview him closer to the finish when he would be nice and would run fast. So, stay tuned!

3 Responses-Комментариев to “Day 38”

  1. sufiya Says:

    да он и так красавец, куда уж дучше ))
    а дождик, говорят , к счастью.
    ребята, вы настоящие воины Духа :)

  2. Сергей Самойленко Says:

    68 майлс…Нот бэд. Пушкар изнт майлз эвэй! Кипитап!

  3. Аня Степанова Says:

    Привет, Стутишил,мы сегодня впервые погуляли по вашему сайту. здорово! Твой пример заразителен. Даже я приняла участие в недавнем пробеге на 48 часов в Виннице. Пробежала аж 110 км.Всем передаем привет из Николаева. Счастливы за вас! Ура!