Author Archive

Day 45: Step By Step. Utpal’s blog

October 19, 2021

“I feel very good. I can see the finish line now step by step, everything has turned out according to my plan.” Wei Ming has had put on a remarkable performance of running since he took his first step here 44 days ago. He says even though there have been a few differences in a positive way but overall the whole experience for him is much as he anticipated. To read more, please follow the link

Day 44: Inner Call. Utpal’s blog

October 18, 2021

Though Andrea completed the 3100 mile race close to midnight last night he has chosen, as many do to run an additional 13 laps in order to make a full 5,000 kilometers. Asked how he felt, he said, “Quite good I would say. I am really happy and satisfied.” To read more, please follow the link

Day 43: Divine Warrior. Utpal’s blog

October 17, 2021

“Since last week I have gone through different challenging times. Ultimately it is all God’s grace. We just have to be surrendered instruments and have faith that everything is being taken care of.” “Really a big part of that is also being at times a divine warrior, and really have to bring forward all your determination, and fight against those parts of yourself that want to give up. Slow down or think that everything is too hard.” To read more, please follow the link

Day 42: You Need To Transcend. Utpal’s blog

October 16, 2021

“It starts with the simple things. Do one step more than you planned. Do something better than you planned. To expand. Then you will start feeling joy from this expansion. It is never comfortable, but ultimately you will feel joy from self-transcendence.” “We all need to expand and transcend ourselves. Then you will get access to joy.” To read more, please follow the link

Day 41: Have Faith. Utpal’s blog

October 15, 2021

“I am really happy that I am ahead of my schedule, in respect to last year and I hope everything keeps turning for the better.” “I take every day as a single battle. I never think about tomorrow, because somehow it never comes. So every day I try and give my best. Every day I try and put in the effort to do the work. I am trying to do all the necessary things that will make me happy at the end of the day.” To read more, please follow the link

Day 40: Anything Is Possible. Utpal’s blog

October 14, 2021

As someone who is prone to grumbling and forecasting that the sky is falling; a slow or fast lap around the course with Ananda-Lahari is one of the best antidotes I know to clinging negativity. He is literally always positive. Even today when he is almost 1,000 miles shy of the goal and only 12 days left to do it, he is happy. He is so content in doing this impossible ordeal, that he is now running for the 17th time that I feel ashamed to complain about any of the real or imagined problems that seem to wash over me when I least expect it. To read more, please follow the link

Day 39: Inner Help. Utpal’s blog

October 13, 2021

“Sasha has been very good. This time he is my only helper. (In the past Vasu has been able to count on a number of helpers) This time he has to do everything by himself. He has to make it all happen. But we are trying our best to make it all possible.” To read more, please follow the link

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