Archive for June, 2010
Day 1
June 13, 2010Archived – click Post Title to view all. Day 1 It’s been six and a half hours since the start of the race. So far, so good. I feel as if I were back home and it feels right. All worries, anxieties and problems are left behind. We are in for a simple life. Each day is a step towards the goal. With no deflections. With maximum self-giving. The starting ceremony was nice. Many people came. It’s the second or the third time in a row that the Counsel General for Slovakia and his wife have home, as the Slovaks outnumber all other runners here. He is such a nice person. He studied in Moscow for quite a long time and speaks fluent Russian. As I mentioned before, we’ve got two new runners. They are Surasa from Austria and Dharbasana from New Zealand. Surasa is a courageous woman of 51 who is challenging the longest race. Now she looks pretty confident and is running fast. On the first day everybody has a fast run . I started in a bandana which Sri Chinmoy had given to each runner after his trip to Japan in 2006. As it turned out, they all had different hieroglyphs. Mine said “God-speed”. The course itself is more or less quite today which is always the case on Sunday. They are renovating the stadium which resulted in the pavement being narrowed down and a lot of machinery around. I imagine a lot noise and dust on weekdays. As usual, Parvati’s group came to sing songs…