Photos Day 14
June 28, 2014Photos from day 14 are available here.
Photos from day 14 are available here.
It is the kind of polite question we ask most people when we greet them briefly on the street. The person responds with some idle pleasantries and then in the usual dance of etiquette, they in turn ask after your well being as well. When really asked how they are, even your dearest closest friend it is not often going to launch off into some long detailed discussion about what is really happening in their life. Most often the usual answer is, “oh just fine thank you.”
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Photos from day 13 are available here.
“We have to make choices. The masses of people they are making a choice to live a comfortable and mundane life.” For the moment we are walking at a gentle pace. Minutes earlier Swamaji Parameshanandaji of Bharat Sevashram Sangha, had been almost sprinting around the course. It is not often that he ever moves around the loop other than with intense purposeful strides. His face always soft, still, and focused. Perhaps an occasional thought drifting out into the chaos of the mundane world but when he is running he reflects something else, that is poised, quiet, and at peace.
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Photos from day 12 are available here.