Archive for July 9, 2015

July 9, Utpal: Nothing is Impossible.

July 9, 2015
 “Of course I am happy to reach the half way point.  But on the other side, it is still a long way.  The second half is always easier.”

Other than a short period near the beginning of the race Surasa has been performing incredibly well. And to arrive so comfortably at the half way mark on the 26th day is a very good sign indeed.  “If your running is good you are just grateful that you can run.  Everything is easier.” At this moment we pass Nirbhasa who is going through a struggling phase. He agrees with her, “certainly, let me tell you.  It feels like you are dragging a bed behind you.” “It is so hard if you have no energy and cannot run.  You cannot compare.” Nirbhasa also had recently mentioned that he never knew it was possible to be so tired.  “Yes that is true.  When I had a bad stomach and some other things. I thought how can you be so tired, so exhausted, unimaginably. Normally you are just lying in bed when you are like this. You cannot go to work or do anything.” surasa-vasaviContinue

You are a 3100 mile race runner

July 9, 2015

Day 26, 3100 Mile Race 2015​ from Stutisheel Lebedev on Vimeo.

Halfway: 25 days + 12:38 image