Archive for July 25, 2015

July 25, Utpal: My Best Race

July 25, 2015
 “It was a special day for the whole universe not just for us.”

Yesterday in an almost storybook fashion Ashprihanal finished the 3100 mile race setting a world record in the process.  For all of us who could attend it was a beautiful and historic experience.  It really did feel that something of major significance took place.  That it was not just a brief glow on this shabby patch of concrete but in some ways that a bright beacon shone forth to spread light over the whole world as well. baladev2 Read more 

Day 42, Stutisheel

July 25, 2015

Day 42, 3100 Mile Race 2015 from Stutisheel Lebedev on Vimeo.