Some stats
Augu 3, 2009This was my 6 successful finish on 3100 mile race and I finished #6. Many dreams came true during the race… Can’t tell everything but even small statistics is speaking eloquently :) First 1000 miles – 16 days + 12 hours Second 1000 miles – 15 days + 13 hours Third 1000 miles – 14 days + 15 hours First 10 days – 573 miles Last full 10 days – 683 miles I bettered my time by 47 hours – I even can’t dream about it. I wanted to be faster then 50 days, 49+. But run in 48+ !!! From 21 line I went up to 15 place in 3100 finishers list. Pair of shoes woren – 15 Weight lost – 7 kg (also a record :) Massages – 1. During a typical day I did 1-2 stretching for 5 min and last 46 days my muscles recovered automatically. Speaking ojas terms – 17,6 :) Most interesting thing happened on the first day after finish – for the first time I jog for 2 miles in my pleasure together with Pranjal, who is running already for more then 400 days (2 miles minimum). I felt myself excellent after running! The fullness of life is in the motion. The physical power has only one source – The spiritual power. Sri Chinmoy