Archive for June 15, 2011
Day 4
June 15, 2011Archived – click Post Title to view all. June 15, 20:13. The 4th day of the race. The sun has almost set down. And the day almost over. What to say, the paces of all the runners are getting more equal that is why you cannot run together with someone very often. My speed is increasing, but definitely I need a couple of days more to go through the transition period. Of course, in the evening my legs are aching and you can do not so many things with such legs. But everybody feels them aching, so we just have such a noise here! («bzz») Pranjal ankle is swollen, he runs a bit slowly, but I am sure this would not affect his miles too much because he is one of those who stays on the course until the very end, up to midnight in order to do his maximum. Ashprihanal has some infection under his nail, I have seen as Bipin was helping him to treat it with hydrogen peroxide. He also was walking for some time, but now he is running. Though his speed slowed down too. Today it was hot, I guess +28. And the temperature only now is getting down, but still it is stuffy, you can feel warm air. But all this is quite bearable, I think the surprises are ahead of us. The most important news: Purna-Samarpan has his Birthday today. He turned 34 years, and we were all wearing birthday hats at the start line. And as Rupantar announced start we were…
Have to run
June 15, 2011Whenever we attempt to fully describe others we quickly begin to realize that each and every person is multifaceted. That no one label can ever begin to adequately describe someone. We are all composed of so many different qualities and capacities. Most of us perhaps would like to picture ourselves in the, ‘jack of all trades, master of none category.’ read more..