Archive for June 16, 2011
Ashprihanal Play
June 16, 2011Play by Ashprihanal and Purna-Samarpan
– Какая мотивация в том, чтобы пробежать 3100 миль? – Морковка, которую всегда можно найти в пункте питания!
Day 5
June 16, 2011Archived – click Post Title to view all. Today is the 5th day of the race. It is June 16, 18:52. Atmavir is still the leader, Pranjal is on the 2nd place, then Ashprihanal, Igor and Sarvagata. For this moment I have 290 miles. I’m still running in economic mode. Today in the morning it was very good, my legs were absolutely light, like if I had nor ran before at all. But then fatigue and muscle-twisting returned quickly, though in average today I am running a bit more quickly and perhaps I’ll make a couple of miles more than yesterday. Yesterday I had 59 miles. I was «squeezed» from 2 till 5 in the afternoon, so I ran slowly. But the most important thing is that none of our the most quick runners has passed by me during this time – neither Atmavir, nor Ashprihanal. And only when I started to do my first stretching this day I saw there was somebody on the course. This means, everybody was squeezed. And then when Ashprihanal caught up with me he said: ‘have you seen it, everybody runs so well – nobody come across each other!» So, Ashprihanal cut another joke this morning. As I said, he has got his toe sore and had to cut his shoe, he has never done it for 11 years on the race – he has never cut his shoes because there were no necessity in it. But today he had to cut it but and it was done very carefully and then he…
Something Deeper Will Appear
June 16, 2011By Utpal, When one decides to run the 3100 mile race it quickly becomes apparent that from the moment you take your very first step here that suddenly you are entering a very public arena. You may have trained for months alone on soft mountain trails and felt the sweet stillness of nature comforting you with its beauty. Perhaps you ran care free without any problem intruding into your life and felt contentment and peace in abundant measure. This world is available here as well on the concrete loop here in Queens but it is an aspect of the race that does not come to all and never to all, all the time. read more