Archive for June 25, 2011
Day 14
June 25, 2011 Igor and Sarvagata are continuing to surprise us with their high mileage and their early signing off at night. Ashprihanal says that it’s the first time he’s seen newbies who do 70 miles a day and leave for home at 10.30pm. Sarvagata has been doing so for a few days in a row. Igor is restraining himself. Anyway, they are the fastest here. Ashprihanal is running more slowly than usual – he is recovering from a flu. Looks like the 3 of us (Surasa, Ashprihanal and me) who share the same car have got it, but in different forms. I am almost back to normal. Surasa’s voice is still raspy, and Ashprihanal had to take antibiotics. Purna-Samarpan, who has been walking slowly for the past 2 days, is taking antibiotics too. Only in the afternoon did he start running again. He says that during a break he had a dream that he was running. So he woke up and ran! Now he is cruising at quite a decent speed! I am doing fine. Yesterday I did 63 miles. In the evening I felt acidity building up which I tried to lower. The day was chaotic and I ended up having fewer miles than I intended. When acidity skyrockets, feet grow heavy and it’s hard to move them. Tomorrow I will have to stay longer to catch up. Actually, everything is just fine. Stay tuned!!