Archive for July 4, 2011
A Dream of the Supreme for Humanity
July 4, 2011Author: Utpal 29 June Quite often great moments in sports are captured by film crews and news reporters and are then shown on evening news programs or are splashed across sports sections of local news papers. If you score a goal, win a match, or set a record at something there is a pretty good chance somebody will be there to capture it for posterity. It will then fly out into the endless electronic void. Where countless eyes will be peering as it whizzes by into the great information wasteland. Read more
Every Day I Will Give Everything
July 4, 2011Author: Utpal 28 June I hoped to continue my detective work at the race this morning. The burning question that continued to vex me, was how all the runners could somehow improve from Day 14 to Day 15 Sunday. I had no plan on using any third degree questioning in my sleuthing, because after all something quite remarkable had taken place. Still I found it puzzling that everybody’s laps had increased by a phenomenal average of 7 in just one day. There first thing that surprised me when I asked about it this morning was that really none of the runners had even noticed. For them it simply wasn’t very important and, also it was a long time ago, a little more than 24 hours. Their collective responses seemed to be reduced to the patently obvious, we simply had a good day. Read more