Archive for July 5, 2011
Day 24
July 5, 2011Archived – click Post Title to view all. It is the 24th day of the race, 7:24am. I would like to say a few words about yesterday. It was the 4th of July – the Independence Day in America. I myself had to struggle a real battle for independence. I ate something that did not please my stomach and in the morning of the 4th of July first I was struggling with my leg so that it could run normally. Later in the day I picked up my regular pace and found out that my feet weighed several tons. No energy whatsoever and after 10 laps I had to make a break. I looked at my tongue, it was as white as snow. It was clear to me that there was a block in digestion and this mush have drained energy. So, throughout the day I tried to normalize my digestive system with changeable success but I did not succeed in it and that day I broke my record in minimal daily mileage – 43 miles only. And in the evening I still had a feeling that my stomach did not work at full capacity and even ached a bit. So, I started to think of a way out of this situation. It occurred to me to get a cleansing with a lemon diet. Of course, not a full 10-day cycle :), but the last hour and a half on the course when I was walking I prepared a Neera drink with a Madal Bal syrup and drank…