Archive for July 24, 2011
День 43
July 24, 201143 день пробега. Сегодня парило-парило, в обед прошел дождик и погода стала прохладнее – для бега просто идеально. Все бежали замечательно, разве что Ананда-Лахари традиционно ходил, Атмавир был медленнее чем обычно, да и Ашприханал под самый вечер решил пройтись. Я сделал 60 миль и очень счастлив. Под самый вечер пробежал 2500. А у лидеров начинается пора финишей: Сарвагата закончит бег во вторник. И понеслась!
Every Day A New Day
July 24, 2011Author: Utpal 21 July Ashprihanl’s check engine light had to flicker on. He was pushing himself to a new record that day, having completed 24 straight days of 70 miles or more per day. With just a little more than 300 miles to go he could literally see the finish line in front of him. At his current pace it was now just a few days off. The footsteps of the young Ukranians had gradually drifted back to what had to be a comfortable distance behind him. He had to feel that on this his 11th year here he would not just have another victory but also a new personal best. Read more
This Is So Precious
July 24, 2011Author: Utpal 19 July Most of us like to think of ourselves as being self sufficient. That no matter what the task in front of us might be, we will never feel any need to turn to others for support or help of any kind. It really depends of course upon, just how wide the independence streak is, painted up and down your backbone. By hook or by crook we try somehow on our own, to find a way to get the job done. In the 3100 mile race the demands are just so great it is also nearly impossible to find someone who is willing and able to help for all the hours of running that exist over the course of a long hot summer. Add to that, finding both the elusive chemistry of compatibility, an ever attentive disposition, and more importantly a sense of selflessness that allows you to slip invisibly into the life and needs of the runner. Read more