Posted in race interviews on Jun 27, 2017 by Tanya Troyanovich | Comments Off on Day 10. The Longest Journey (June 27, Utpal)
Archived – click Post Title to view all. He is a sweet enigma. Ananda-Lahari, in this his 13 straight appearance at the Self-Transcendence 3100 mile race has spent more time, covered more distance, and smiled more soulfully than any of the other runners he now shares the course with. When we think of races we usually think of placing, of crossing of finishing line, and the hopes for some, of being able to declare victory. Ananda-Lahari, though he is built of all the same moving parts as the rest of humanity is simply designed and constructed within to view this race in a much different way. Certainly some part of him wants always to complete the distance. Something that has eluded him 7 of 12 times he has come. Instead he is drawn to do this impossible act in a way that appears to be detached from the obvious results. He runs as fast he can go, he rarely takes breaks, and stays on the course as late as any of the other runners. In his absolute devotion to what he does, in his pure and uncomplicated dedication he is satisfied. Because I believe he sees his spiritual journey as one that is not bound by the sidewalks he circles tirelessly each day. But instead by the unseen progress he is making within towards a higher goal. One that has no trophy, no finish line, only his own perfect perfection. When I ask if he thinks of the loops around the course as repetitive, he says, “It doesn’t look like you…
Posted in race interviews on Jun 26, 2017 by Tanya Troyanovich | Comments Off on Day 9…Never Ending Story (June 26, Utpal)
Archived – click Post Title to view all. Nidhruvi is celebrating her birthday at the 3100 mile race today. It is not a new thing for her to run for 18 hours around a New York city block on this very special day. She did after all run the race twice before, in both 2013 and 2104. I am not quite sure now if the course was generou enough to smile beneficently upon her efforts back then. Today at least the sun is shining, the air is dry, and the day ahead looks to be as perfect as it ever gets here deep in the final grinding days of June. This morning I interviewed her, and though the weather was being nice to her this day I was not so. I started of with a tough question. I was curious what she would like for a birthday present? Both from the Supreme, the world, and from herself. Her response, not unexpected, “that is too early to ask.” Nidhruvi not unfamiliar to tough challenges then replied, “Surrender. Just to be able to surrender no matter what. And through this surrender then to be the most perfect instrument for the Supreme and for Guru.” I was curious to know why surrender is so difficult for all of us. “I guess there are many reasons. We are still so very much human. We live in our own little worlds. There are so many things that we don’t know and we have to learn. I think it is learning by doing. Step by step you learn…
Posted in race interviews on Jun 25, 2017 by Tanya Troyanovich | Comments Off on Day 8. The Happy Way (June 25th, Utpal)
Andrey Andreev has been a regular at the annual 10 Day race in Flushing Meadow. For 10 straight years he has participated and his performances culminated last year in 2016 when he set his personal best of 629 miles. The kind of miles that clearly demonstrated that he had the capacity to take the large step up to the Self-Transcendence 3100 mile race. So far he has put in 7 days and is getting ever closer to going longer and further than he has ever run before. He likes to keep the mood light and is quick to find humor and make a joke. This morning when we talked he told me his race was amazing so far. Particularly after yesterday. When questioned further he says, “I got some sleep.” (laugh) Andrey says that in the 10 Day race there are more options to take breaks and sleep. But during this race the allowance for rest is very very tight. Too much time off your feet and the goal of 3100 miles will disappear. Andrey has 388 miles so far 7 days. He ran 46 miles yesterday.
Asked what has surprised him about the race so far, “I was surprised by the seriousness. But now it has just become normal. I can’t even tell what the seriousness is all about.” Lyalya who is helping with translation interjects, “he is a philosopher.” Continue