Posted in race interviews on Jun 24, 2017 by Tanya Troyanovich | Comments Off on Day 7… Seeking Motivation (June 24)
Archived – click Post Title to view all. Off and on over the past week at the 3100 mile race Ray Krolewicz has been a significant presence. He has helped fix cars, fix feet and more importantly the lump of grey matter sitting in a lot of peoples heads. He has inspired and guided, not just those on the course but any all who so easily got swept up in his loving personality and sometimes boundless energy. He is one of the very few who was personally invited by Sri Chinmoy 10 years ago to come and run the race. But was advised at the time that the moment for such an undertaking had yet to come. In 2014 at age 59 Ray decided that it was the right time, and though he may have been disappointed at not completing the 3100 miles he settled for a not too insignificant 2014 miles instead. Today he is appropriately wearing a t shirt which says, “Go Beyond.” Before he left the course I talked with him. I first wanted to know what drew him here so much over the past week. “Seeking motivation for life in general, running, and this event specifically.” What he came away from his race here in 2014 he says, “sore feet, sore legs, a lot of friendship, and a lot of understanding of things much bigger than me.” Foremost he says though he says, “things aren’t as easy as they look.” “I would like to finish this race some time and not just be here. I can be here and…
Posted in race interviews on Jun 23, 2017 by Stutisheel | Comments Off on Day 6… New Life (June 23)
Of the 10 runners attempting the Self Transcendence 3100 Race this year, 4 are doing so for the first time. It is such an imposing challenge for even the most experienced runner that for one who has never run that long and that far the courage and commitment to do it has to be unparalleled. Sergey Kuzmin is one of them. He is just 44 years old and is from Novgorod Russia. He has run a number of multi days but entering this race is by far the most difficult thing he has ever attempted.
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Posted in race interviews on Jun 22, 2017 by Tanya Troyanovich | Comments Off on Day 5. Just Do it (June 22, Utpal)
Archived – click Post Title to view all. She is the Diva, and according to the Self-Transcendence 3100 mile race brochure, she is as well the fastest female pedestrian in the world. It seems that for a couple of years now that she would eventually make her way to Queens to the home of the longest race in the world. In this its 21’s year Yolanda’s relentless footsteps in fact did intersect with the half mile course around Thomas Edison High School. Yolanda starts her 5th day of the race with renewed energy and confidence. After a shaky couple of days she has found her groove and has adapted well to the sometimes not so user friendly New York summer heat and humidity. “I am feeling good. Good Morning America. Good Morning World.” Yolanda greets our little interview with her world class smile and her unparalleled superb enthusiastic attitude. “I am feeling great the first 2 days were not good. I almost thought I was going to drop out. I had heat exhaustion really bad and now I have it under control. I am getting my nutrition and hydration under control. I am back.” Asked why this race, “One I like to challenge myself and this is a huge challenge. With this race I am hoping to have an outer body experience. I have done over 500 marathons and ultras and I have never cried after any of them. I hope that I can feel something…..besides the pain.” “The people here are so beautiful and warm and welcoming. There is so much…