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Photos Day 23

July 4, 2011

Photos Day 22

July 3, 2011

Day 22

July 3, 2011

It is the 22nd day of the race, 7:42pm. Ashprihanal did half of the distance (1,550 miles) around 7 p.m. and it could be said that the race is entering the phase of crossing the half. Sarvagata and Igor will have their half distance tomorrow morning. I did 1400 miles at around 5 pm and passed last year’s «point of death» when I had to quit the race at 1,386 miles. So, the journey successfully continues.<неи<неиIt was raining today in the morning for about 4 hours and of course it slowed us down. I was running more slowly than my usual pace. it was a take-it-easy day, but it isn't going to tell on the mileage that much.<неи<неиPradeep is the only person who has been walking the whole day today. He's got some problems with his femoral muscle, so he can't run and can only walk. He started the treatment. Hope he'll recover soon. Yesterday Sarvagata surprised everybody. He completed 77 miles and went home at 11pm. So, here we've got some new talents!

A lap with Stutisheel (day 21)

July 3, 2011

Photos Day 21

July 2, 2011

Day 21

July 2, 2011

The 21st day of the race, 8 am. The second 10 days are finished and we have our surprises. Just a few seconds ago Sarvagata caught up with me and said: “Can you imagine how the Supreme is joking! My best result in the 10-day race is 605 miles. In the first 10 days of 3,100-mile race I have done 658 miles, and in the second 10 days 720 miles! What’s going on!” We are running now with Igor and he also had pretty good results: in the second 10 days he did 702 miles and it is something to be proud of. The record of 10 days ever is 712 miles, so the third 10 days will show us all the capacities. And the fourth will completely fix them. My second 10 days finished with 657 miles versus the first 10 days with 633 miles. And I am not ashamed. J At about 7.30pm I reached the 1,300-mile mark.

Photos Day 20

July 1, 2011
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