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Photos Day 15

June 26, 2011

Day 15

June 26, 2011

Today is Sunday which means a lot of activities on all playgrounds. There was a football match across the street, next to our camp there are Puerto-Rican families with dogs, children and loud music having fun. Surprisingly, I am taking it easy. The pace is good, the spirits are fine.  The first 4-digit figures starting appearing on the scoreboard. Ashprihanal, the race leader, was the first to cross the 1,000-mile mark. He was followed by Pranjal and Igor who “did a grand” for the first time in his life. Sarvagata is only a few laps away from his own first “grand” . They  look very fresh and keep soaring as if nothing special  happened.  Ananda-Lahari is walking more than others, Purna-Samarpan is resting the most. Neverthless, all runners without exception are climbing the 3,100-mile Everest.

Photos Day 14

June 25, 2011

Day 14

June 25, 2011
Igor and Sarvagata are continuing to surprise us with their high mileage and their early signing off at night. Ashprihanal says that it’s the first time he’s seen newbies who do 70 miles a day and leave for home at 10.30pm. Sarvagata has been doing so for a few days in a row. Igor is restraining himself. Anyway, they are the fastest here. Ashprihanal is running more slowly than usual – he is recovering from a flu. Looks like the 3 of us (Surasa, Ashprihanal and me) who share the same car have got it, but in different forms. I am almost back to normal. Surasa’s voice is still raspy, and Ashprihanal had to take antibiotics. Purna-Samarpan, who has been walking slowly for the past 2 days, is taking antibiotics too. Only in the afternoon did he start running again. He says that during a break he had a dream that he was running. So he woke up and ran! Now he is cruising at quite a decent speed! I  am doing fine. Yesterday I did 63 miles. In the evening I felt acidity building up which I tried to lower. The day was chaotic and I ended up having fewer miles than I intended. When acidity skyrockets, feet grow heavy and it’s hard to move them. Tomorrow I will have to stay longer to catch up. Actually, everything is just fine. Stay tuned!!

Photos Day 13

June 24, 2011

Photos Day 12

June 23, 2011

Joke of the day 12

June 23, 2011

Every morning Rupantar picks up Ashprihanal from his house first. One day when a sleepy Ashprihanal came out  the house, Rupantar asked: Hi! How are you?. Ashprihanal gets into the car and only in 10 seconds answered: I am ok. You see? 10 seconds! Good reaction:) The funniest thing in this story is that now when Rupantar told him about it, Ashprihanal said he didn’t remember anything.

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