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Photos day 27

July 8, 2011

Day 27

July 8, 2011

Archived – click Post Title to view all. It’s our last hour of the day. A few words about yesterday. The whole day I was crying. My eye was, be exact. Something must have gotten stuck in it or I could have scratched it. I tried applying different stuff on it but it didn’t get better. In the morning, tears began streaming. Even when I was wearing sunglasses, the wind was still bothering it and I was blinking all the time. When I couldn’t bear it anymore, I had to use antibiotics eye drops. It got a little better. I had to run in sun glasses till late into the night. I got compliments that I looked cool. They wouldn’t say that if they saw what was behind the glasses. Each race bring something new. The eye thing has happened for the first time. Everything can happen as we are outside the whole day and experience rain, wind, and heat. Today I woke up with no energy to go. When I started running, I realized that this was one of those days when I didn’t have enough sleep. No energy at all. Then Igor caught up with me and took me in tow. We started chatting about this and that and then I had a good run and picked up a decent speed (120 laps a day). At 4 pm it started pouring. It has just stopped raining. I had to change shoes twice and my feet are heavy. It means that I will have a fewer laps….

Photos day 26

July 7, 2011

Photos Day 25

July 6, 2011

Day 25

July 6, 2011

Archived – click Post Title to view all. It is the 25th day of the race, the clock shows 9:05pm. After the Independence Day, I had been recovering and only yesterday I started to get my energy back and I did 62 miles. Today happened to be very interesting because it is already the 3rd day in the row that the temperature rose up to 33C and today since the very morning it’s been humid. So, of course, in the afternoon I was quite wiped out, although I kept running. However, I am going to have quite a decent mileage, though I expected it to be more. Today I have completed half of the distance which is 1550 miles (24 days 6 hours and 14 minutes). It is one day faster than my previous record race in 2009. But in 2009 I completed the second half of the distance one day faster than the first one. So, I have a good backlog at least and the best present for my half of the distance was a completely unexpected arrival of Sugambhir! When I saw him, everything immediately became much better for me. So, the help has arrived. Approximately at a time, when I was doing my 1550 miles, Sarvagata and Igor approached 1700 miles on the same lap being 5 meters apart. So, our new generation of runners is 150 miles ahead of me. Running lap by lap for long distances is also great because you come in contact with the people who are 150 miles ahead of you and…

Photos Day 24

July 5, 2011

Day 24

July 5, 2011

Archived – click Post Title to view all. It is the 24th day of the race, 7:24am. I would like to say a few words about yesterday. It was the 4th of July – the Independence Day in America. I myself had to struggle a real battle for independence. I ate something that did not please my stomach and in the morning of the 4th of July first I was struggling with my leg so that it could run normally. Later in the day I picked up my regular pace and found out that my feet weighed several tons. No energy whatsoever and after 10 laps I had to make a break. I looked at my tongue, it was as white as snow. It was clear to me that there was a block in digestion and this mush have drained energy. So, throughout the day I tried to normalize my digestive system with changeable success but I did not succeed in it and that day I broke my record in minimal daily mileage – 43 miles only. And in the evening I still had a feeling that my stomach did not work at full capacity and even ached a bit. So, I started to think of a way out of this situation. It occurred to me to get a cleansing with a lemon diet. Of course, not a full 10-day cycle :), but the last hour and a half on the course when I was walking I prepared a Neera drink with a Madal Bal syrup and drank…

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