Archive for July, 2011
Wisdom Comes With Years
July 1, 2011Author: Utpal 26 June I try my best most days to get it right. To somehow with my reporting to capture the distinct mood and perhaps, dare I say it, consciousness of each day. Things can, and often do, change rapidly. As an early morning person as well I generally only get to observe a very unique and tiny portion of a much much longer day. The threads of these 10 lives will spin countless stories and experiences, right up until midnight, and really until they all can drift off into a brief slumber. Read more
To Be More Happy
July 1, 2011Author Utpal 27 June Something happened yesterday that cannot be explained. On Sunday, 9 out of the 10 runners ran more laps than they had the day before. The only one who didn’t run more laps on Sunday was Surasa ,who ran exactly 110 laps the same as she has run every day for the past week. What make this peculiar event noteworthy is that the average lap numbers didn’t just go up a little, they went up a lot. Averaged out over the 9 runners it works out to be 7 more laps per person than the previous day. Read more