Archive for 2013
July 26
I know that what is happening here is inspiring many people around the world. Besides those living in the neighborhood there are a few lucky ones who are within commuting range of Queens and can make their regular treks out to the race throughout the long hot summer. These fortunate ones live in the far off reaches of Connecticut or New Jersey and on the distant edges of Long Island. But many many more live just too far off to ever come and experience it in person.
Why not, by Utpal
July 25, 2013 July 22
“Why not.” This is Ananda-Lahari’s answer to my long circuitous question. It is simple, it is clear, and yet to me and probably to most of us it is still unfathomable. I have always been puzzled by this 37 year old runner from Slovakia. He has completed the full distance here 5 times before and yet for the past 2 years he hasn’t been succeeded in completing the distance. read all

Day 40, Pranjal
July 25, 2013Elevate To Your Highest Height, by Utpal
July 24, 2013 JULY 22

What Concerns Me, by Utpal
July 22, 2013July 21
“I am taking it as an expression of the Supreme’s concern and love.” For the better part of the past 7 days Yuri has forced himself to slow down, to drink more often, and take more breaks. To behave in short, in a manner that he has never before had to do in any previous event. But then he has never run the 3100 mile race before or experienced all the steamy torture and torment of a New York summer either. That he is not in any way resentful or disappointed in this extraordinary situation is a mark of the true courage and strength that he has within him. His outer strength he impressively demonstrated for 4 straight weeks. Making daily mileage totals for a first timer that were not just good but excellent. But when the 5th week arrived it literally changed the map for everyone here, and for 49 year old Yuri Trostenyuk from Vinnitsa Ukraine he has had to make adjustments in his life here like he has never had done before. read all

Train Your Life for Perfection, Utpal
July 20, 2013 Sometimes sport stories have a way of inspiring us like nothing else can. An athlete or a team when faced with incredible odds and formidable adversity simply rises up to the challenge and performs something just this side of miraculous. We are instantly inspired and amazed by what we have witnessed and the world around us seems not quite so ordinary. That special things can and do happen and just maybe we might be able to do something great as well.
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All Souls Struggle, Utpal
July 19, 2013“If you rely on the mind and the physical you will start getting weak. You have to go to the higher conscious level.” Swamiji ran 14 laps this morning with the runners and is now soon about to carry on with the rest of his day. His advice is correct in every way. For all spiritual seekers the goal is to always find the highest path when confronted by both joy and adversity. Read all…