Author Archive
Just Surrender. By Utpal
June 26, 201326 JUN

Day 11, Sahishnu
June 26, 2013Day 11 extracted its share of joy and chagrin from the dangerous dozen, but as the story continues the heat of the last few days is still a factor. Eight people made it past 60 miles, led by Ashprihanal Aalto with 70.24 miles. He was closely followed by leader Atmavir Spacil, whose effort netted him one less lap but a lead still well protected. Surasa Mairer still leads the ladies by 12 miles over her friend Nidhruvi Zimmerman, who, incidentally observed her birthday with a 60 mile day as well. Sarah Barnett continues the late evening blitz to reach 60 with very good straightway speed. The group fitness is good, but individually people are still not there yet. Soon the automatic button might appear, where effort translates into more miles with fewer setbacks or injuries. Soon…..
Day 11, Pranjal
June 26, 2013Everything In Life We Have To Share. By Utpal
June 26, 201325JUN

If There Is No Running How Can There Be Transcendence, by Utpal
June 25, 201324JUN

Day 10, Pranjal
June 25, 2013Archived – click Post Title to view all. link to Pranjal video diary Hi everyone, this this the end of day 10. On the background you could see video that I took yesterday. Enjoy! In 10 days we’ve passed first 1000k – 4000k to go. Almost there – you can say. We had another quite tough day because of the weather. Again it was 34C with very high humidity. Two days in a raw with high temperature and humidity – really hard. You are losing a lot of water. At the evening I just realized that I was heavily dehydrated. I tried to drink as much as possible but that was not enough – in two such hot days you just can’t get it in your body in a normal way. Every lap I was drinking about 0.5 litter and was doing that for 3 hours. And then I started feeling that water balance is better. That didn’t affect my running much, but I realized that it will help because I felt tired. I had a pretty good morning and afternoon. In the evening as I said I felt tired, fortunately when I drank a lot I was good again. At the end I made 118 laps, which is really good for me and I was really happy. Atmavir had a very good day – he did the best mileage from all the people. Vasu had a slower day. Ashprihanal had a hard day – at the evening he told me that feeling sick. Yuri – same machine. Going same pace from morning till the…