Archive for July, 2009

Day 45

July 28, 2009

45th day, 8.30am. Well, Asprihanal finished at 10.30pm yesterday. He was so tired that did not even run 13 laps to complete 5,000 km. Today in the morning I was alone in the car without my car mate. Asprihanal said that probably after a good sleep he would come to do these 13 laps today. More news. Suprabha quit. To be exact, she quit yesterday because of progressing pain in her spine, but today she decided to give herself the last chance. She walked 7 laps… And this is the final “stop”. 2413 miles in her 13th Race. She is a real divine hero! Grahak is going to finish around 4pm with a new record of Australia. A little bit later, I will talk with this “jumping kangaroo”. If one looks at all the runners from the side, one might notice that they are running with knees half- bent. But he pushes off, like jumping or something. For sure, dwellers of Australia influence his style. See you.

Asprihanal’s Finish 43 days + 16:28:06

July 27, 2009

Interview with Asprihanal

July 27, 2009

Interview with Asprihanal right before his finish asprihanalfinished

Joke of the day 44

July 27, 2009

I was caught in the rain, I tried to get shelter under a tree. Can you imagine: thunderstorm around, this tree is useless. And out of the blue, a car stopped behind me, through the opened window a hand gave me a plastic raincoat, – Take it, boy. Take it. I said, – Thank, you. But while I tried to figure out how to put it on, the rain was over and certainly I got soaked to the skin. People happen to be kind here.

Day 44

July 27, 2009

Archived – click Post Title to view all. 44th day. At 6 am it was 63 miles to cover for Asprihanal to get the finish point. He is going to do it around 10 pm. Closer to the end, I’ll try to get this flying Finn to talk and I am going to interview him. Today is Parvati’s singing group anniversary. When Sri Chinmoy gave them a new name, it was Enthusiasm awakeners. As I’ve already told you, they get together and sang for runners every day at 6.40. It is the second day in a row that Parvaty has been celebrating this jubilee. And they prepared gifts for each runner. Today we got a wonderful hat with a sign “3100 mile runner powered by grace and enthusiasm”, a beautiful running T-shirt and a lot of tasty things. It’s a real holiday. Yesterday New York reminded us what thunderstorms are like. In the afternoon we had two strong thunderstorms here – everything was flooded with water, branches were broken by wind. And it lasted for 5 min. Once I was running along a highway and suddenly I realized that I didn’t see anything ahead of me, kind of a void. Then I understood that it was a rain wall and it moved towards me. I just thought that there was no place to hide and was overwhelmed. We got that fierce storm for the first time, but it was a warm thunderstorm though. It was fun, but I was wet from top to toe. Then one hour later, another thunderstorm burst once again. 5 minutes and it was over, sun was shining, just we were wet to the skin. Another story was…

Interview with Suprabha

July 26, 2009

Stutisheel is talking to Suprabha about her previous races, the secret how she can keep her milage all days so stable, about her xperiences with Sri Chinmoy and many other things. To listern interview click the link suprabha

Day 43

July 26, 2009

jow_387543d day. 7.30 am. 135 miles to go for Aprihanal before today’s start. Definitely hе is going to finish tomorrow! Yesterday was a very good day, pretty nice speed; I set a new record – 131 laps, 71.8 miles. I was surprised today when discovered that I was a leader of the day. I feel wonderful, the speed is excellent, the flight is going on! Yesterday Suprabha had a tough day. Pradan failed to remove pain from her spine and she walked for most of the day and had to even take painkillers. She left earlier yesterday, but today she says that she feels better, but needs a few more days to recover to her normal condition. In spite of physical pain, she smiles, cuts jokes and laughs incredibly. It is just great to run with her.

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